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Patents Granted And Pending-By Patent Owner


This assignment was made on [Date of Assignment], by [Name and Address of Corporation of Grantor], a corporation organized under the laws of the State of [State of Grantor], hereinafter referred to as grantor, to [Name and Address of Corporation of Grantee], a corporation organized under the laws of the State of [State of Grantee], hereinafter referred to as grantee.


Grantor owns the entire right, title, and interest in the patents and patent applications listed in the attached Schedule and the inventions described therein plus all rights associated therewith. Grantee desires to acquire these patents.

Therefore, for good and valuable consideration, grantor hereby transfers and assigns to grantee all of grantors present and future right, title, and interest in and to the patents and inventions described therein as well as all rights and claims associated therewith.

This patent assignment was duly executed on [Date executed] at [Location].

Signature of Grantor Date

Signature of Grantee Date